10.31.2018: |
..The Modified Plans and Elevations including Perspectives. Including Renditions. |
..The Modified Configuration File displaying (all) Cabinets including a Cross-Sectional Description of Cabinetry Construction. (5) Pages. |
10.29.2018: |
..The Modified Plans and Elevations including Perspectives. Including Renditions. |
..The Modified Configuration File displaying (all) Cabinets including a Cross-Sectional Description of Cabinetry Construction. (5) Pages. |
10.22.2018: |
..The Modified Plans and Elevations including Perspectives. Included Renditions. |
10.21.2018: |
..The Modified Plans and Elevations including Perspectives. |
..The Modified Configuration File displaying (all) Cabinets including a Cross-Sectional Description of Cabinetry Construction. (4) Pages. |
10.12.2018: |
..Preliminary Plans and Elevations including Perspectives awaiting Design Decisions. |
..The Updated Configuration File displaying (all) Cabinets. (3) Pages. |
10.08.2018: |
..The Configuration File displaying (all) Cabinets. (3) Pages. |
10.07.2018: |
..The Modified Configuration File displaying the WALLs. The Windows are positioned differently on the PLNs-ELVs-ORIG. |
10.03.2018: |
..The Configuration File displaying the WALLs. |
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